Sunday, June 10, 2012

Air Conditioning

It's really easy to get lost in trying to update this blog... and forget that I was intending to actually write a post... ;) But success! I updated AND am posting new postageness!! Woot!

So yeah, new postageness...

This coffee shop has a really excellent window air-conditioner. I'm kinda resenting it's presence actually, because it's kinda making me wish my latte wasn't the kind with ice in it. It's fracking 90+ degrees outside! WHY AM I SHIVERING?!?!?!  I'm really not that sad about my apartment building not having central air, it seems like that's the only building I walk into that I don't shiver in...

Also, I think I may have a problem. I have been to visit the Boiler Room thrice now, and every time I've ordered the iced latte. The second two times I walked in fully intending to order something else, try something new, that kind of thing. But upon entry I promptly threw such plans out the metaphorical window (I defenestrated them, if you will), and ordered an iced latte instead. I rationalized it to myself, saying I have been denied such joy all my life and am only now discovering it, it's only natural that I should desire to revel for a while, I'll just get one more before trying something new, it's hot outside & that's a tasty cold drink! And besides, I need more calcium, the rice milk is good for me & I'm not really getting that anywhere else in my diet at the moment...

And then I wonder: is this how addictions start? Do I have a problem? Will I ever be able to order anything else here ever? What have I become?? Is there a support group for this kind of thing? Will I become some kind of coffee-shop snob, forever judging places like this based solely on the quality of their iced lattes? Will I never know the joy of the elusive Mango Italian Soda???

Then my rational voice sounds across the confusion (said voice sounds remarkably like Amanda K, by the by...) and reminds me: calm down, it's just a latte. It's not that big a deal.

Does anyone else have conversations like this with themselves??? ... Anyone?? ... Marco?

Before I forget (again) I may not be updating every day for the next week. I'm going to try to update as often as possible, but tomorrow I have a workshop in the evening, and Tuesday I have an audition (!!!), and on Wednesday Boyfriend gets here... After that I have no idea what's happening, I just know I get to spend all week with him and then something else happens after that... I forget what though, I think it's called life or something... ;)

Sometimes I feel like the way my brain sees time is a little strange. I know, theoretically, that time flows in a straight line and progresses in a relatively steady rate, maybe it should look something like this:

---Monday---Tuesday---Wednesday----Next Week------Week After-------Next Month-------Next Year

Or something ish, but my brain tends to think of time more like:

STUFF GETS HERE!! unpacking---workshop---Audition---BOYFRIEND!!---??? meh, don't care right now....

Y'know? I measure time as a series of major and minor events, today has a minor event, there are two minor events happening before the next major event. After the next major event there's some minor events happening, but we'll worry about them then... This way of thinking has been known to get me in trouble before, especially in college when my brain categorized papers & their due dates as "minor events"... oops...

I wonder if they have vegan ice-cream here... I'd be able to eat that... I should really go unpack some, but my apartment is looking kind of daunting right now... Oh my random...

Ah well. I think I may hafta run off for now. That unpacking really should see some progress tonight, since I'll be busy for a while to come. Love to you all! :)

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