Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Green Bottles

I collect them... apparently?

Sorry for the lack of updates in the last couple of days, it's been a rather busy couple of days. Since my interwebs access is currently rather tied to the hours of this particular awesome coffee shop, any blogosphereing I want to accomplish must needs be done before 8pm. It's good though, it lends an air of discipline to this whole shebang...

So what was I so busy doing that I couldn't make time to visit my friendly neighborhood blogosphere? Well Sunday night ... lol, that's a story I should begin from the start...

My cousin, Cassy, recently became a Mary-Kay consultant. (I call her my dealer, but I figured I'd use the official term... the first time at least...) Her pink party was scheduled for Sunday, June 24th, and as her cousin & friend I wanted to show up and support her (and pick up some concealer, which I was startled to discover I owned none of... that's a different story though...). I usually work Sunday mornings & afternoons until 4, but I jealously guarded that evening--I scheduled auditions for different dates, I shuffled workshop schedules, I delayed seeing people--this was serious & I was committed. The night before the party I carefully combed through my wardrobe trying to find all 10 articles of jewelry & clothing I owned in various shades of pink. I went to bed wondering if that shirt was too purple to qualify as a "dusty rose".

The next morning I woke a little later than intended, but still thought to double-check the time of the party that evening. I scrolled up in the text conversation with my cousin to see what time she had texted me, and upon discovery I let slip several choice profanities...

The party was from 2-4. It had nothing to do with evening. I worked until 4. $h!t.

I shared my dismay with Cassy, and she was very gracious about it. We agreed that I could come by and say hello and hang out (and pick up that concealer...) even if the party wasn't going on still. So I did, and passed a very agreeable evening with the ladies, and was vigorously greeted by the Australian Shepherd--Jinks. Afterwards I did some grocery shopping, and got home at about 9... too late for interwebs.

Monday was more by choice, I had an auditions for a show called A Chaste Maid in Cheapside that I was prepping for, then the audition itself (I still think it probably was awful...), then workshops was happening, and then I got to see & hang out with peoples at Mer's place! She made tasty creations, we played bananagrams, and a good time was had by all. :)

Long story short: I didn't blog because I was busy. So there. ;)

Yesterday at work something happened that made me want to write about it... Soooo, this is me, writing about it...

The day was obnoxiously slow, and most of the guys in the area around me didn't come in, so us gals had an opportunity to chat that we hadn't enjoyed previously. I got to find out some backgrounds, some likes & dislikes, and some personal gossip that I carefully filed away as future character material (always be careful when talking to a writer, you never know what they'll do with your conversations). The girl who sits next to me was of particular interest in her conversations.

For the sake of preserving anonymity, we'll call her Ashley. Ashley grew up in a small town in Minnesota, is one of 6 siblings, refuses to drive anything smaller than a truck or an SUV (after hearing her relate a terrifying accident she was in, I can understand why!), is currently pursuing her degree (gen. studies at the moment), and does not like any ethnic foods except American.

At first blush, my reaction was one of disdain. She is a very classic example of small-town American gal. But the more we talked the more I realized something...

Likes & dislikes, preferences and distastes aside, this young woman is just as complex and intricate a human being as any other. She has her share of stories and history, and she comes by her mindset just as honestly as anyone else--perhaps moreso. What reason has she ever been given to enjoy Mexican cuisine? Why would she want to drive a small car? Of course she got lost in the city and hated it, why would she want to know her way around? I know why I would, but what reason would she have?

The conversation that stands out the most to me though was when we spoke of her studies. She is pursuing her Bachelor's, but for now she is undecided & will probably end up opting for a business degree. I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up.

"Well, I wanted to be a dolphin trainer when I was a kid."

But to be a dolphin trainer, she realized, she would have to pursue a much more intensive route of studies & training--one she apparently had no hope/desire to complete. So she abandoned that dream and left it behind her.

I never did find out what she decided to do with her life instead.

I wonder, if my parents hadn't encouraged me to always be willing to try something new, to dream big and chase dreams I treasure, to never allow fear to rule my life, to consider other points of view as being just as valid as my own--if they had not done all this and more, how different from Ashley would I be?

What right do I have to be proud of my own take on life? What did I actually do to get myself here? So much of who I am is thanks to the time and effort put forth by others, why should I take pride in such a work? Rather, I should try to make them proud of the work they have wrought--and try to work the same in the lives of other people.

There's the deep thought for the day. Now, if you will excuse me, I have other things to accomplish today as well. Laters!!

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