Thursday, June 21, 2012

And now with screen so blank before me...

I find my mind mirroring the blankness of the screen... This will never do!

'Scuse me for a moment folks, inspiration just tried to run over me & I need to go tend my wounds...

Snap, I love/hate it when this happens... I had a blog post all planned out, but I had to go and eavesdrop on a conversation & now all my thoughts are scattered by a chance word spoken that inspires a whole new plotline...

Picture this: an improv performance in a coffee shop, an alley theatre set-up, even the barista behind the counter is part of the story. Patrons enter knowing a show will take place, but not realizing that it has started when the actors get up from the midst of the staff, or from the midst of the patrons themselves. Perhaps the actors are even seated at the same tables as the patrons--a truly interactive experience, part scripted, part improvisation.

The actors are three: playing characters of all ages--a man and two women.
The story: that of Theatre itself, disguised (as always) in a multiplicity of allegories & metaphors all taking place in a coffee shop. The actors would step in and out of characters, requiring great flexibility.
The props and costumes would be minimal, if any designated at all. The props could be mimed, the costumes would just be streetclothes typically worn by the actors.
The focus would be on the story and the acting.

Perhaps it would be a story of Humanity instead of Theatre... or of Art, or the Church... Perhaps it could be done with only two actors... or with one, or four.... Perhaps...

This is certainly an idea to pursue...

Wow, well that was fun! ;)

The sun is beginning to get low in the sky. It's about 7:30pm now, the Boiler Room is 30 minutes from closing and the light is slanting at a dramatic angle. It's one of my many favorite times of day...

So ... before I got run over... what was I going to write again??? Ah yes, entertaining anecdotes from work...

I actually lost my patience with a customer today. The man could hardly speak English (I lie, he spoke better English than I speak Spanish, so he spoke passably...) so he had a friend of his inquiring after the pillow for him. However, when the man found out what the current price of our pillow was he grew so irate that he took the phone from his friend and proceeded to (try to) rip me a new one. I remained calm and tried to interject over his tirade that the old price he was given (three weeks ago) still held true, all he had to do was drive to one of our vendors & purchase the pillow instead of buying it over the phone. So I gave him the price he wanted, and he calmed a bit to hand the phone back to his friend. So when his friend asked me what the price of the pillow was I was halfway through my quote (alas! I was on the high half... :P) when the irate gentleman ripped the phone away again and tried to lay into me again. He damaged my calm a bit when he accused me of assuming that "because [I] am from Africa you think I must be an idiot!!"... His words, not mine. I proceeded to inform him warmly that due to our conversation being held via telephone, I actually had no idea that he was from Africa, congratulations, and did he want to hear the REST of what I had to say or did he just want to yell some more? He shut up long enough to hear me out, hand the phone back to his friend, and listen via translator instead.

The man bought no pillows...

But I felt rather proud of myself in that I used no profanity either before or after this conversation... *pat on the back*

Anyhoo... that's all for now. I think M is wanting to close up the shop, so I should begin to vacate the premises. Have fun all, see ya later!

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