Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My boots are falling apart

And I don't like shopping for shoes... :P

Of course, I do have multiple pairs of boots, but that doesn't help in this case.

I have an awesome pair of pseudo-combat boots, black, and they can be worn two ways: laced all the way up or with the top folded down. They're sweet, stylish, and very handy... except... well... the soles don't seem to be very attached to the rest of the shoe.

And I don't mean "attached" as in "fond of", I mean "attached" as in "fused together at the molecular level". These soles just aren't. I already had to perform major surgery on the right when the malevolent door of a priggish coffee-shop (none of the ones I've written fondly about, THIS coffee-shop was populated by people who were simply too proud to be allowed to breathe... as I discovered upon having the nerve to ask for a job application there...) grabbed me by the ankle on my way out and didn't let go of my poor heel until it was mostly parted from the rest of my boot--darn ankle-biter, it didn't do much to increase the already low feelings of goodwill I had toward the place. The heel flapped along, steadily flapping further apart from the rest of my shoe, until I was able to invest in some super-glue and fuse the twain together again.

Now the left boot has decided to follow suit--only this time I'm puzzled. What happened to cause this separation from self? I've been racking my brains & cannot, for the life of me, think what happened. Yet, somehow, I was wearing these boots on Sunday & my sole was flapping off again.

I should own stock in a super-glue company, seriously.

That's one pair of boots. One of my other pairs is nice to look at and fun to think about, but every time I put them on I am very suddenly and forcibly reminded of why I never wear them. Why, you ask? Because, dear reader, they have a 5 inch heel.

I confess it's possible that I'm exaggerating the height, I do not have them here with me to measure, but strewth--that's about how tall they feel when I put them on! I do enjoy wearing heels--almost all of my shoes are heels--but these boots are rather excessive about it.

Which is a pity, because they're really cute, and I feel like we could be very good friends & colleagues, if only they were a little... less homicidal in their tendencies.

They're practically new. Is there anyone more comfortable in higher heels that would like to give them a good home? Never mind, I'll forget that I'm afraid of them & not be able to give them up because... it's complicated. :P

Thankfully I have another pair of boots that I've been wearing for years, are very warm, comfortable, and everything you could think to ask of a boot. I've had them since college & we trekked through the lake-effect drifts of campus with them faithfully guarding my feet from the cold & wet. They came to me from my Mum, who couldn't wear them because... I can't remember why, but they became mine and we bonded and it was beautiful.

And yet... today, on my way into to office I felt the icy grip of fear close around my heart as the icy wave of slush penetrated to my very foot. When I made it to my desk I looked at my benighted boots and realized I was actually wearing right through the suede water-proof outer layer and could see the very porous canvas underneath. Not a lot, but it doesn't take much does it?


Guess it's another thing to add to the wish-list of things to spend the paycheck on... On the upside, I now am getting a paycheck to spend on these things! ;)

It's all about perspective.

Like the perspective of: this whole post was all about 3 pairs of boots.

yeah... um... you're welcome?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Before I get distracted by looking at the stats...

Every time... they get me every time... I log in thinking "I'm gonna blog, yay!" Then: "Oh look, someone looked at my page today, or was that just me before I logged in?" Before I know it I've devolved into "Oooh, how many people have read in the last month? Year? Wow, someone from Germany read me! Who do I know there? Hmmm... readership is falling off, oh no! I'm losing my following!!! How can I possibly write anything interesting enough to regain their interest?!" (That's right, I think in multiple exclamation marks...)

But at that point in the mental monologue I quite monologueing in my head & decided to do it in a post instead... :)

So yeah, I'm no longer job-hunting but am now a productive member of society. Basically, Jesus loves me lots, and through a series of incredible, slightly ridiculous circumstances, I am now employed! Woot! I'm a secr--I mean, Administrative Assistant in the... well, to preserve anonymity we'll call it Job. :) Y'know, we have Parent, Boyfriend/Fiancee, Boss, now we have Job. But yeah, I'm thoroughly enjoying it--there's a lot of fun people to work with, and something new every day, and I get paid! I think... We'll see if I do or not on Friday...

It's funny, it's like I'm Stage Managing... only with a desk... And Engineers...

I have to admit something: this blog post is the result of my nasty tendency to procrastinate.

A bit of back-story first!

Fiancee and I have been studiously avoiding Facebook with regards to anything to do with our relationship--to be quite frank, I haven't really changed any of my info since moving down... not necessarily on purpose, just hadn't gotten around to it yet. But for Fiance & myself, we avoided it simply because we could. Being in a long-distance relationship does lend itself well to that kind of thing, and neither of us is good at taking pictures or Facebooking anyway... So it was on accident at first, then on purpose. But this blog is another story. ;)

Wedding stuff!! It's not a thing like directing a show, don't be fooled!!!

Yeah... wedding is happening in 3 weeks from yesterday.

Did you know invitations get sent out for this stuff? We finally got those done, and in the mail, and sent out on Saturday! Did I mention Jesus loves me? Because we were dropping them off at the Post Office, thinking they would sit there till Monday, when a postal worker comes in and says, "Do you want those delayed in going out?"
"NO!!! As soon as possible would be fantastic!!"
"Well give them here, I'll make sure they get on the truck, it was just getting ready to pull out."

We hurriedly gave them all over into her hands, thanked her profusely, and marveled at God's goodness.

That's right, I'm His favorite. ;)

Now I don't have to worry about invites! Woot! Huzzah! Relax and party!!!

Wait... there's OTHER stuff that has to be done for weddings too.


If you'll pardon my French. (Speaking of French, 1 "e", or 2 "ee"s? In Fiance/e? Anyone know? Because I don't & it makes me sad and confused...)

Other stuff, like finding a photographer, and figuring out how to pay a photographer, and reception stuff (still rather vague in my mind), and candles (not the "unity", the decorating kind), and emailing church secretaries, and calling friends I haven't spoken with in far too long (I'm sorry! I'm so very sorry! :S), and ... mer. This isn't my to-do list, or my pity-party, and I think you get the idea.

So I'm procrastinating. Nah-nah-nah. I emailed two photographers, I'm emailing more after I post this; I'll be good I promise. :P

I'm sorry, dear hopeful, ever-hopeful reader who has been faithfully sticking in there. This is really all I had to write about today. My guilty conscience has finally caught up with me, so I'm going away to do constructive ... stuff ... (d'you like how I didn't use a swearword there? Yes, it was an effort, I think I deserve a cookie.)

Mer. Constructive. Mer. m'kay. bye. :P