Thursday, August 1, 2013


I've never made a bucket list. I wonder, why is that?
I think I've never had the time before. Also, the deadline of "before I kick the bucket" seems so... ambiguous. What if I get flattened by a falling safe tomorrow? Whoops, guess I should've gotten on that list sooner... Conversely, what if I do everything on my list before I turn 30, but live till I'm 96 (long-lived females runs in the family, it could happen)--Will I forever be making & completing lists like that?
Not that that would be a bad thing...
 But I think it's high time I start a bucket list.

Recently a pair of my friends, the Ks, came to visit. I haven't seen them in 3 years, and they had never met Husband, so we all had a delightful time catching up. In our wanderings around the place we live, we stumbled upon this wall:

The idea was to write what you want to do before you die. What would your answer be?
I wanted to come up with something profound, deep, clever, and funny all at the same time. I think my contribution was a lame sort of cop-out like "Speak the Truth". (Because I've been lying this whole time & truth is a novelty for me...??? Yeah, uh... )
But the truth is, there's a lot I want to do.
So here, thanks to my passion for Lists that are Easy to Check Things Off Of, is a portion of my newly-inspired Bucket List (do be sub-divided later). I reserve the right to add any number of things later, but this is here for now. I will try to remember to add updates as to how I'm doing later. (These are in no particular order, please keep in mind.)
1. Write a Doctor Who/Batman fanfic about how the Weeping Angels

take Batman, and he dies in the past.

Yes, it will be inspired by what I found at an actual graveyard. No, I'm not telling you where the above pictures were taken. :P

2. Own a car like this one:

3. Drink coffee at 100 different coffee-shops around the world--starting at this one:

It looks like I could love it.

4. Find out the story behind this graffiti:

5. Make some epic, story-filled graffiti that no one wants to take down because it's bona-fide art--like the one above. :)

6. Take more pictures. A lot more.
7. Find a theatre family before I've lived here for a year.
8. Forgive her--legitimately, so I don't wince every time I see her picture/name.
9. Read the second book in that Ken Follet series (I like historical fiction, who knew?!)
10. Finish a notebook in the next year.
11. Write a full-length play--and get it performed.
12. Start a theatre company.
13. Audition for Steppenwolf.
14. Get an MFA.
15. And a Ph.D. (can you even get one of those in theatre? ... I think I will. If no one has yet, then it's high time someone does!)
16. Visit all of the continents... except maybe that really all-over cold one...We can not go there, I'm okay with that.
17. Beat all the Assassin's Creed games...
18. Adopt a shelter dog.
19. Be happily married--for the rest of forever.
20. Get some chocolate in this office!!!
21. Love my job, passionately.
22. Love my church, fervently.
23. Write & publish a book of poetry (that's going to take the rest of my life...).
24. Become a great friend.
25. Become the kind of person that writes thank-you cards out of pure gratitude, and not out of guilt or obligation or societal pressures (I'll do it because I want to, not because you told me to--it does have a place after all!!). Yes there's a story from my childhood behind this one, but I'll have to tell you some other time--alas!

I think that's a good place to end for now. Was this a cheap trick to unload some pictures onto my blog? Maybe. But that's for me to know. ;)

Watch out for falling water--that stuff can wear through rocks!!