Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who feels like rambling?

I do! I do! :)

Do I really have anything to say? Well, no I suppose I don't. But then again, that's never really stopped me before, has it now? :P

D'you ever have one of those days when you feel tense, just waiting for something to happen? Like you know something is going to happen, you're just not terribly sure what it is, or when it's going to happen, but there's an air of waiting all around you?

Today's not one of those days.

It's just another day. I know, no day is ordinary, it's only the way you live within it that is ordinary or not. But today really feels like it's a dampener on anything extraordinary happening in my life.

And it's election day, go figure. Shows how much I care about politics, hm?

Maybe I should go wreak havoc in protest.

I rediscovered a series I used to read when I was little, I think they gave me the inspiration for what I want to be like when I get older. "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle" is the name of the series, written by Betty MacDonald. They were written in the 1950s, but are still surprisingly relevant. I would recommend them to anyone, and highly!

Hm, I think I'll tell a bit more about Tom now, if you're not interested you can stop reading here.

Let's see, I told you all about Tom, but I didn't say where he lived. He lived with his grandfather in the middle of a large city. Well, not right in the middle, but definitely not on the outskirts. They lived in a flat in one of the not-so-run-down parts of the city, and there was a theatre just down the street. In this place Tom grew to be very clever, but also very quiet. He learned to keep his mouth shut & his ears open, and in this manner learned far more about life and people than any boy of his age is ever expected to know. I suspect that his grandfather knew precisely how much Tom had learned, but the old man never called attention to it.

Well, now my battery really is dying, so I'll bid adieu for now.

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