Monday, November 22, 2010

"To Live, to Live will be a great Adventure" --Peter Pan

Cloudy, but warm--that's the kind of weather I can live with, & I love it! it's all gloomy, but comfortable, and mysterious.

After all, "Sad is happy, for deep people." :) Thank you Sally Sparrow.

It's Thanksgiving week! And I find myself with every evening this week left completely free of any scheduled activities. Actually, the only "scheduled" thing I have to do this week is dinner with the family on Thursday. I may go mad, we'll see. If I do, I'll keep you updated. ;)

But seriously, it's so crazy, not having anything scheduled to do. For the four years of my college career I had almost literally to plot out every hour because there was so much that needed to get done and so little time that was not already committed. Now there's no less that needs to get done, but no schedule that goes with it. Is this being an adult?

I was talking with a good friend about something like this, & how I feel like I'm failing at life because I can't manage to multi-task without a schedule--but I also fail and keeping a schedule. He gave me some advice that I've been chewing on ever since: "direct your show, and stage manage your life". I proceeded to tell him that the only way I'd managed to stage manage as well as I did had been because I'd scheduled even those rare hours in my day that weren't taken by classes, rehearsals, work, church, and other things. Then he told how wrong I was to think that was going to work anymore.

So my instincts were correct--scrap the schedule & work from a to-do list. I was also delighted to hear him call all those forms stage managers use "busy-work". I didn't even know half of them existed, & didn't have time to make them even if I'd known of them, & had felt very discouraged when they were shown to me. But it's okay now, because I didn't really need them anyway. :)

I guess we'll try something new this week. Well, not new, exactly, just a different method of doing the same thing. Wasn't it Einstein that said something to the effect of "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results." ?

Yep. Trying something new. Woot. :) & Going crazy, that should be fun too.

I keep stalling because I have that nagging feeling that says "you were going to write something else too", but I can't quite remember what it was... That seems to be happening a lot lately, I think I may suck at this whole blogger thing, but oh well. I haven't lost either follower yet... ;)

Well, on more thing, then if that idea hasn't returned by then I'll just go.

One of my haunts that has wifi is McDonald's. There's a corner table for two behind a pillar thing that provides a lovely illusion of privacy, and I try to take up as little space as possible when I'm there for interwebs instead of food or people. To follow the rules I get a Dr. Pepper & sit back there listening to music & using the interwebs until my battery dies (my one complaint is the lack of any electrical outlet in the accessible part of the building). Naturally, I don't want to bother others with my music, so I wear headphones/earbuds/whatever. But I usually wear them in such a fashion that I can still hear what's going on around me--the importance of situational awareness having been drummed into my head from a young age.

But apparently this presence of headphones offended one the older gentlemen, who grumbled to his friend something about "younger folks", "wifi or something", and "can't hear a thing through those earphones". I looked over at him, looked him in the eye, smiled & shook my head. He looked a bit startled, then I re-immersed myself in whatever I'd been reading.

Nope, whatever it was didn't show. Ah well, maybe next time I'll have the presence of mind to jot it down before it flits away.

"Hamlet: the original Emo." ................................116

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