Friday, November 19, 2010

"When life hands you lemons make grapejuice. Then sit back and watch the world wonder how you did it." 118

I hate it when this happens.

For the past day or two I've been without the blag-o-blag, mainly because the interwebs in my room decided to take a vacation. But I kept thinking of things to write about, funny anecdotes, jokes, interesting experiences--you know, the stuff one would normally write about if they write like me. But I get to the library, start up the lappy, and what comes to mind?


But no fear, in the time it took to write that paragraph I've remembered some of what I wanted to write about. :)

Last night was opening night! We only broke three things... :)

First casualty: the curtain rod. For those who aren't familiar with the space, we're performing in a mansion, and the room chosen is this beautiful & huge hallway, separated from this conservatoryish area by a wall of glass-paned doors on the side that we're using for a backstage space. It's an alleyway setup, and for an entrance/exit a set of the doors was opened, a set of stairs installed, and a curtain hung from a curtain rod to mask the area. In his enthusiasm, our dear Monty was a little too vigorous in flinging open the curtains, and snapped that rod like a twig. The rest of the first act was passed by our director in holding the middle of the rod up with a long pole, and by actors in trying not to run into the director in our comings & goings. No worries though, it was fixed in intermission!

Second casualty: The desk. Well, the knob of the desk, really. There's a particular scene in which the villain sneaks in & steals the money from the desk (I hope I haven't ruined the show for you--the villain did it! Hahaha!). Well, he was a smidge too excited about it, because he ended up ripping the knob right off the drawer, and he had to open it from the sides instead.

Third casualty: the box. Same actor, same scene, moments after #2. His energy was still a bit too high, apparently, because after prying open the desk he took out the box from whence he was to lift the dough, and yanked the lid clear off its hinges. This made it a bit difficult for the heroine later when she was supposed to take the box out & be unaware of the money's disappearance...

Hopefully tonight we'll break legs instead of other things...

Oh! & I almost fell off the stage in my last scene. There's a bit of a gap between the stage and the wall... and I found it when I tried letting someone into the parlor... thankfully I found the wall as well though, so I wasn't casualty #4.

Yep. In other news: my nephew's birthday was also yesterday, & his party is tomorrow. Woot! :) I get to go too! :D
Also, tonight I'm leaving my SM in charge of Christmas Musical rehearsal. Hopefully by the time tonight is done everyone will have their lines memorized... or be at least a little more familiar with them.

Well, I hafta go get dinner & makeupped & all that. Ciao!

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