Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tiny Marshmallows

One of my favorite ways to stay warm: Hot chocolate, with just a dash of instant coffee for flavoring, & a mound of marshmallows on top. Yay marshmallows!

SO let's see, what's new... hmm....

It's show-week for the MTA's Lily the Felon's Daughter, and wife, and niece, and would-be girlfriend... hehehe... everyone in that family ends up being a felon by the end... Okay, maybe not technically, but almost!

So yeah, show-week, and I'm not going to make it to the rehearsal for The Present is the Future--the kids' Christmas musical--on Friday, because I'll be performing. It'll be fine though, I'm leaving my fantastic Stage Manager in charge, and she'll be grand. :)

Also, reading a new book! God is Great, God is Good: Why Believing in God is Reasonable and Responsible by Chad V. Meister (my philosophy prof. at Bethel) and William Lane Craig--edited and partially written by them, actually. It's actually a compilation of essays by various leading thinkers in cosmology, astrophysics, biology, theology, and philosophy--all written in response to the New Atheism movement and its leaders. So far it's very interesting, but I plan to read more from both sides before drawing conclusions.


I feel like I should be writing something, but I'm not sure what that something is... So many possibilities, so many ideas, so little structure...

The things I shouldbe doing right now are staring me full in the face... the problem? I don't want to do them. I want to do other things... like write. But writing isn't on my list of things I should be doing, so I don't actually write (well, okay, I write here... does that count?), I just think about writing & am distracted from doing what I should be doing... Whew, vicious circle, hm?

Either way, nothing's getting done.

What I need is structure, a schedule, even if it can't be routine. A time for everything, and everything in its time...

Tonight, after rehearsal, I'm scheduling every minute of tomorrow. Maybe that will help. I'll let you know tomorrow how well I kept it... ;)

I feel like lots of time tomorrow will be cleaning... my room is a disaster area! And writing, I want to write, I miss it!

Maybe tomorrow will also include going somewhere with a reliable wifi connection, instead of the spottiness I get in my room if I sit in a certain place holding my laptop just right. :P

Well, I think that's all for now. Maybe I'll be able to post this today... if the wireless let's me back on.

"Be a Fruit Loop in a world full of Cheerios"

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