Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Two Hour Parking

So many thoughts happening in my head & I don't even know where to start with the writing them down thing... AAAAHH!!!!

You know it's a small town when a stranger stops in his walk & stops you in your web-business to tell you the history of the bench you're sitting on... :) No really, it just happened!

I need to be very careful. Lately I have found myself (again) falling into the trap of talking about God more than i talk to Him... I don't want to lose this communion we've been sharing, but it's going to take hard work to keep it going. Just like any other relationship, but I'm not really good at those either... :P

But the talking about Him has been amazing! I got the opportunity to stargaze last night for the first time in ages--and it was spectacular! I'm not really big on doing things like that by myself--I just don't think to do it I suppose--but L. suggested it yesterday, so we spent 10-1 gazing up at the sky. I hafta admit, I never thought a cloudy sky would be so much fun to watch. The stars didn't really come out until 12, but until then we had fun "star-spotting", and after that the stars themselves were... breathtaking.

But the conversation! Well, suffice to say that it kept us thoroughly entertained for 3 solid hours, and would have kept us longer I'm sure except that I had to get up at 7am this morning. Sorry, the contents of the conversation isn't showing up. I told you I wasn't including everything here! :D

I will share some thoughts it has provoked in myself however. There is so much left to learn!! There are so many viewpoints I have never looked at, have never even heard of, so many authors I've never read from, so many people I've never talked to, so much knowledge left to find! To think I spent the last four years concentrating so much on one subject, and I still don't even know much about that!

It makes me glad there's an Eternity to learn in. :) I really truly cannot find it within myself to believe the myth that once we reach Heaven we will be "too caught up in it all to remember any questions we might have had". If it is true, I cannot fathom it & ... almost don't want to. Say what you will, one of the most sacred acts of worship I know is learning. Curiosity is such an integral part of the nature of humanity, what makes people think it will suddenly be done away with? Perhaps it is hubris that leads to such thoughts, but I don't want to stop learning!

That was interesting, I really did not sit down intending to write about that.... Then again, I can't really say I ever have much of a plan when I do approach this blog... Hence the title I suppose...

I'm ... frightened.

"The wicked flee when nothing pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion" goes the Proverb... And "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquest of it." is a quote from something I read long ago.

Lord-Love, give me your strength, and your courage. Let me know Your wisdom and patience. But more than anything else, teach me to Love Your people like You Love them! Nothing else matters without Your Love. May Your glory be accomplished in my life--bring Your kingdom here!

In other news, I ate a banana yesterday, a whole one, for the first time ever! It wasn't as bad as I remember them being. Maybe I'll have to eat another one again soon...

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