Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blue Duck!!

I have one in my pocket!! :D

It might be worth figuring out how to upload pictures to this just to be able to show off my blue duck...

The best part is that he was free! The church was cleaning up the football field this morning (the highschool had a game last night--why is "high school" not one word?) and I found him under the bleachers.

Okay, so he's a rubber pencil-topper, but he's so cute! Much cuter than the wad of chewing gum I thought he was at first.

Also, I have a friend! In town!! Whoohoo!! It was really quite random today, I decided to finish reading "Piercing the Darkness" (another Perretti work) before going to the library, which means that I was just pulling up shortly before 4. L. rode in on his bike as I was sitting on the back of Liffey (my car), and we started chatting. He's someone I used to work with at the grocery store--and he always made it more interesting (he's a fellow thespian, how could he not?), so no I'm not just striking up random conversations with strangers riding by on bikes--don't worry. But one thing led to another, we both found out about the other person being lonely, so we had a lot of laughter & he just came back to ask if he looked ridiculous. :)

I've missed having friends my own age--especially having guyfriends. I never realized just how much I love my brothers until I didn't have them around anymore.

I remember now, I wanted to write about soccer!

Sorry, that was actually in response to my nephew's game that I went to this morning--after cleaning up at the football field. A friend once told me that the best definition of a soccer game she'd heard was something to the effect of "we get very excited when something almost happens". I have to say I think I agree with her. I've never really been a big sports fan, personally--I can pretend for the sake of the Superbowl parties, but it's really just pretending. But it's my nephew's game, right? So, to be a good auntie, I'm trying to do all the good auntie things like going to games. It's hard to be enthusiastic at 8:30am, but last week I managed a little--in spite of the shivering. This week it was a bit easier, the game was at 9:30am & it was much warmer outside.

But I kept getting distracted by these monstrously large butterflies and dragonflies! They were huge, and flying maybe a yard above the kids' heads, like they were chasing them--seriously! They made it very difficult to concentrate on the game.

But My nephew's team (the orange one--no really, no names, they're only colors) won, 4-1. I think they're pretty good for their age, this is the second game of 2 they've won... so they're undefeated as yet. That means they're pretty good, right? ;)

Anyhoo, I think I should go--right after this last thought.

The new, well, renewed friend? He's great & I think I'm going to thoroughly enjoy getting to know him better. But it's interesting, he's a... hehehe, a "devout atheist" I think might apply. I'm kind of excited, it's been a while since I've been able to rub shoulders with anyone my own age who believes something that different than I do... that sounds not at all grammatical, but I think you can get the general meaning. Back to the trunk: could this be the answer to my plea to know why I'm still here? It's an interesting thought.... Lord-my-Love, what are You up to?

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