Friday, September 3, 2010

In the Parking Lot

I think I'm becoming Yankified. This breath of cooler weather is invigorating!!

I'm currently sitting in the parking lot of the library in town (for the wifi :), in the back of my car with the hatchback up. It's a relatively windy day, which makes the weather even lovelier!

I can hardly believe it's September. I'm entering my first school year minus the school--and I still have no idea as to what God wants in my life. Well, okay I'll correct that: I have no idea as to what the next step is going to be. I know what He wants, I just don't know what shape that will take in this next phase of my life.

T. A. Barron talks a lot about in-between places. Mist is in-between air & water, Avalon is between the afterlife and earth, humans are more than animal but less than god. I feel like I'm in one of those in-between phases right now, but I never realized how truly, astonishingly irritating they are. D'you know what I mean? Avalon is a mysteriously beautiful place. Mist is eerie & lovely. Humans are perplexing and fascinating. But really, I feel nothing so much as impatience for this time of life to be done with already!

I suppose it's all in the perspective I take on it. Today everything has a brighter look to it than anything has in a while. (I think it's because it rained yesterday, but I'm not entirely sure.) But I know some things... nevermind, I completely lost that train of thought. Derailment by gust of wind, sorry! :)

Anyway, today the sky is blue and life seems good. All I really have is today, it is as close to eternity as I can get at present, so I mean to enjoy it.

"The Screwtape Letters" is a very enlightening book, by the way. It's written by one of my absolute favorite authors, C. S. Lewis, and it contains a good deal that has ... sort of shaken me awake to the whiles of Satan. It's crazy how cunning he can be.

(I know that last bit seemed tangential, but if you read the book I think you'll understand the connection, it's there! Honest!)

It's kind of funny, I want to keep writing, but I really can't think of anything more to say. Oh! I remember what else I wanted to write about!

There are 3 roadtrips coming up in my close future. I'll write about them...

The first is coming up pretty quickly (that reminds me, I need to call the people I'm staying with...). I'll be traveling back to Mishawaka, IN (back, because I went to school there) for the wedding of two of my friends, Josh & Lisa. But I'm also very much looking forward to seeing friends again. I don't really have many compatriots my own age here in Monticello, but that's bordering on self-pity, and I hate self-pity. It's so irritating, don't you think?

The second is actually happening the very day after I get back from Indiana. my parents and I will be driving up to see family in Minnesota, land of the Vikings. A family get-together is the reason, but Dad and I will also be scoping the place out for possible employment. Minneapolis is a pretty big theatre town (second only to New York, NY), so I'm hopeful--and Dad might get a job there too, that could be fun!

The third is happening the second weekend of October, and it's the one I'm probably least excited about. A 16-hour drive is no big deal, we're going to New Braunfels, TX for my step-granddad's birthday. But... I haven't seen the family & friends there for years--literally.There's one particular friend that I'm not even sure if I'll see... but I hope I will. We parted badly the last time we met, & I'm hoping I'll get the chance to make amends. It's not likely, but who knows? With God, all things are possible.

Anyhoo, I really must get back to doing something constructive.



  1. you're coming to bethel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I can't tell you the surprise of getting a comment for the first time... & yes I am!! :D
