Friday, October 29, 2010

That shiny bright stuff that flashes in a thunderstorm...

Yep, I totally forgot how to spell it, so I went for the alternative instead. What's your point? Hmm?

I feel like I've been harping on love lately, but it's kind of been intriguing me, so I'll continue to write on what intrigues me. Besides, harps sound lovely, right?

But then comes the strange position I find myself in, what's left to write? Not to say that I've already written everything I have to say about it, but rather that so much has been written about it already, what's left to say?

Next time I'm in a poetic muse I shall attempt a poem around the line "love does not force, and force does not yield." It was already in one of my others, but I'd like to expand on the idea.

Love hopes, it dreams, it supports and holds,
Love whispers and shouts, it makes cowards bold.
Love is strangely demure, it pursues without taking,
Strangely strong, the heart never stops breaking.

Bah, I'd better stop forcing it, before disaster happens.... Still, it's something to keep in mind.

But still, what a crazy phenomenon this love is.

I had someone tell me lately that humans invented God to give a name to that third voice in the head, the "conscience", that the voice being named "God" was just another one in the head.

I've been turning this idea over in my head ever since, chewing on it, if you will. It sounds like a very plausible theory, but being a Christ follower makes one or two things more difficult to reconcile with this than I can...  wow, no idea where that sentence was heading, sorry folks. Let's just say that I can't reconcile that idea with what actually happens in my head.

Elaboration! :)

For one, there are a lot more than three voices in my head. Maybe it's because I'm a writer & an actor, but I listen to a lot of characters in there, and I've never bothered to count how many there are, but there's a lot more than three. However, having heard that still small Voice a few times, I can say with assurance that there is something Different about that Voice.

Having spent a number of years trying to listen to God, and trying to shape myself to His will, I've learned a couple of things about distinguishing His Voice from the cacophony of others in my head. One of the more telling signs that it really is God talking & not just myself is that He's a lot more persistent. It sounds trivial, I know, but you others who try to hear Him may know, it can be hard to tell when He's the one talking sometimes! But unlike all the other voices, He doesn't go away if He wants me to do or say something. There were a couple of occasions where the Voice just wouldn't go away, so I found myself going & doing what It told me to just because He wouldn't shut up about it!

Another difference is the things this Voice says. All the other voices, be they characters or manifestations of my own will, are generally consistent with what I know myself to be like in personality & knowledge. But this Voice will urge me to do something I see no reason to do, or It may tell me to say things I would usually never say. If I do & say these things the results are usually amazing, though sometimes I don't get to see the result. If I don't, the mundane is generally left uninterrupted. But the thing here that triggers obedience to this particular Voice is when it tells me to do something so utterly out of my comfort zone, or so out of the ordinary. I would never come up with these ideas! Sometimes no one I know would. But there they are, spoken of by that Voice.

Sometimes it's annoying, I admit. Like when I'm faced with huge arguments against my God--something I've been training & preparing for the majority of my life. But instead  of reminding me of the arguments I know I've learned, this Voice wipes them all from my mind, and instead tells me "This isn't the time for that, just listen. No no, you heard me, just be quiet & listen." Then I get all confused and the Voice just smiles at me and says "you mean you don't trust Me by now? Come on, I'll tell you why, but this important, you need to hear this."

So yeah, I'm not positing this as any kind of elegant defense for Christianity, please don't confuse this for that. This is just what's been going through my head for a while, & consequently spilled out into type.

Do with it what you will.

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