Thursday, October 28, 2010

One of those Days...

Yep, here I am again, typing away about nonsense... seriously living up to the title I picked for this blog... I'm never sure if that's a good thing or not, but I'm going to act like it is until someone proves differently... ;)

What do I usually write about here? I'll have to go back & check, because I'm having trouble remembering... I want to write, but I don't know what to write about. Heck, I can't even remember what I usually write about! Maybe it's time for that idea I had a while ago, yes, I think I'll try that...

Once upon a time, long long ago, in a place that is far, far away

There lived a small boy. Now when I say he was a small boy I do not mean that he was overly tiny, though he was rather short for his age--which was about 10. The boy was pale-skinned under his multitude of freckles, and had hair that was strawberry-blond. His nose was a little bit of a thing, and slightly turned up at the end. His mouth was very somber and not at all prone to smiling--though when he did the result was delightful.

His eyes, you ask? What about his eyes? Well now, they were a tad peculiar. They weren't really green, though they seemed so at times. They were not really blue, but they looked like it when the boy was happy. Nor were they completely grey, brown, purple, or any other really definable color. Grey would probably be the closest that describes their colour, but ... well, it simply doesn't fit. The boy's eyes were every color, and no color at all.

What is his name? What, haven't I told you yet? Oh goodness, how ridiculous of me! The boy's name was Tom. At least, that's what we will call him for the sake of sanity. You see, his full name was Thomason Patrick Julius Gerard Brodine Carlton. But we'll just call him Tom, if you don't mind.

Well, now that you know Tom, allow me to continue...

Next time, that is, because it's now time for me to go. :) Bye!


  1. speaking of the title for your blog, I just found this today:
