Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Real Quick!

I don't have long, but I wanted to post a brief update while I can...

I'm back in Monticello, we finished the long drive yesterday at 5ish in the am. I promptly went comatose until noon, when I awoke feeling like the day was going to be a slow one--and it was.

But let's back up a bit. Texas was sooooo much fun! Saturday was Mr. Grandpa's 90th birthday, & we had a big party at the church gym--complte with slide show & dinner. :) We're Baptists, wherever two or more are gathered we eat!

Sunday we went to church & Sunday school in the morning & kind of just chilled at church in the evening. There was a service, but Mom & I purposefully went an hour & a half early for the sake of seeing people, which we accomplished admirably. After the service was a fellowship soup dinner thing, and the taco soup was amazing!

But mostly, I loved getting to see the people. Some things never change, and some people only seem to change for the better. I realized while we were down there that I think New Braunfels, TX is about the closest thing I have to a "hometown". Coming on the heels of a trip to Austin, MN--my parents' hometown--this trip really highlighted for me just how much of my formative years was spent in New Braunfels, and the impact it had on my life. It was... interesting.

Oh, also! On the way back up from the sunny south, guess who I got to see! Be jealous, Bethel friends, I went through Marshall, Texas. That's right, Stacy Bone & I had dinner on Monday! :D It was so much fun to see him again.

So yeah, now it's back to life as usual... whatever that's supposed to look like. I have a nephew who's 17th birthday we're celebrating tonight. Crazy, yeah? Then there's lines to memorize, a show to block, more shows to write, people to email, a job to find, and a God to love like crazy. He's so amazing, it's hard to imagine what He sees in me somedays. But the worth of an object comes from what someone is willing to pay for it, yeah? & God paid so much for me, so I find my worth in Him. And His passion is crazy-amazing!

Anyhoo, later all! Watch out for the squirrels, they like eyeballs... ;)

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