Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Good 'N Cold

That's what my Dr. Pepper is telling me right now... Not sure I want to follow its example...

So I read "Howl's Moving Castle" yesterday--it's by Diana Wynne Jones (absolutely amazing middle name, by the way, who came up with that one? Props to them!), and it was a really fun read! A friend of mine introduced it to me by way of showing the movie, and while the two are rather dissimilar neither is really ruined by the other, so that's all well & good. The friend said that I reminded him of Sophie, the protaganist in the story, & I understand why now. I think we would get along very well--though I doubt anyone else would be happy about it... :D But I wanted to comment briefly on something I think was really remarkable about this story: it is mostly about an old woman. Most sci-fi is about people in the prime of their life, or immortal people frozen in the prime of their life. In this story Sophie is bespelled by a witch to become a 90ish woman, and she remains that way for the majority of the story. It gave the whole thing a refreshing flavour, something new, and I rather enjoyed it. I think I'll try some more of Diana Wynne Jones... Especially since I have a library card again... :)

I hate it when this happens... I think of so many things that I want to write about, but I get here to my blog & sit down to actually write something & one of two things happens. 1. I completely forget everything I was excited about writing until it's time to leave or 2. I realize that if I actually put that into writing there are certain people that may read it that will most certainly not take it the way it's intended & it will come back to bite me hard. :P Today it's the former. Bah.

So I guess I'll write about something else. I've got a few minutes, so I can afford to just ramble for a bit until something comes to mind.

Oh wait! I remember!!

Yesterday I was told, again, that I think too much. I find this extremely ironic, mainly because the person who told me this yesterday & the other person who has told me this most often in life are two people who probably hate each other's guts & would despise the thought of agreeing about anything. Yet here they are, both telling me I think too much.

Well, maybe I do. But I would far rather be accused of that than be guilty of not thinking enough. In my estimation, over-analysis is a far lesser sin than that of thoughtlessness.

I heard a chapel speaker say once something to the effect of "if that comment went over your head, then perhaps it's not the comment's height you should worry about so much as the stature of your head." I laugh because it's true....

Sorry if this sounds bitter. It's one of those phrases that I've heard a lot in life, mostly yanking me back to earth when I go flying off into wonder at how a seemingly lifeless seed is transformed into a huge tree, or how the dance of the stars is mirrored by the swirling of an atom. I try to share my wonder & get in return "you think too much". I know yesterday's comment wasn't meant that way, but it brought back some... interesting... memories.

So yeah, think too much, do I? If only I knew how to type a raspberry... FIE upon thee!! :P

That's all for now. I'm off to think some more.

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