Thursday, March 28, 2013

Oh My goodness that just happened...

So I know, as a rule: People are not the brightest. I do hope the day never comes when I cease to be entertained by this! :D

Sitting here at my desk I watched what appeared to be a middle school aged (or high school? they get littler every year... yes, I said "littler", and if you don't understand what I meant by that, it's like a combination of "smaller" and "younger" with additional connotations, I'm not just being grammatically exasperating) person come in, wander into a random office--I mean it was obviously a random office to him, yes I knew whose it was--and ask for a pencil.

That was funny in and of itself. Then he tried to exit via the glass double-doors from whence he'd come. I heard him push against them, give a startled "Let me out!!", and upon not receiving any help from the other side he wandered back toward my desk with a look of curiosity and vague puzzlement. He mentioned "I got locked out", before he was startled by the sound of someone else opening the (unlocked) door and walking in. "Oh!" he exclaimed, and hurried away, out through the door the kindly gentleman held open for him.

The gentleman (one of my bosses) saw the startled bewilderment (fast headed toward amusement) on my face and smirked as he explained "One door locked, the other not, the kid had a 50/50 chance."

Sometimes the odds just aren't in your favour... though I would think the sign dictating "Please use Other Door" would've helped his odds a bit, but not enough I s'pose.

Several morals could be deduced I think:

1. Be careful what doors you have to pass when questing for a pencil.
2. If you must pass through a door, try not to let it fall shut again until you know it can be opened from the other side (it was C.S.Lewis who said not to close the door of a Wardrobe behind you!)
3. If you think a door is locked, try the other one.
4. Don't overestimate the intelligence of children--their brains are still developing.
5. Don't overestimate the intelligence of people--reading is not as common a skill as you might think.
6. Bosses have a sense of humour too.
7. Whining won't get the door to open, though wandering away from it might.
8. Your little sister will not help you--she'll probably just point and laugh.
9. If you entered through one of the double-doors, that's probably the one that's unlocked.
10. How badly do you want that pencil?

Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed our little jaunt into "what can we learn from what was just seen". I kind of like that type of writing, perhaps we'll go there more often... ;) If you'd rather not & all that just sounded arrogant & self-righteous, let me know. I can't guarantee that'll change anything, but it's nice to know what folks think.

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