Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Procrastinating Again...

That's right... ;)

Okay, not really procrastinating, I have simply come to an impasse.

Before I can respond to those Facebook messages, I need to listen to the voicemails left for me on my phone, and my phone went awol today. (Fine, I really forgot it at home, but it's more fun to say it went awol...)

Before I can write a grocery list I need to make a menu, but I don't want to make one by myself, I want to get my husband's (snicker, I have a HUSBAND now, and he's friggan awesome! Booyah!) input so I'm not making unilateral decisions that end up in making stuff we won't like... okay fine, I don't want to make unilateral decisions at all (I just like that word, "unilateral", say it a few times--it feels cool!).

I can't text anyone I would want to, see aforementioned awol cell device...

I sent pictures to the person I was supposed to...

Okay fine, I s'pose I CAN go email that person... fine... *sigh* I've been avoiding the awkward, but I can't anymore.... I'll be back...

Whew, that's done... Now, where were we?

I have a new favorite response to those idle small-talk questions people aren't really listening for an answer to... It's delightful seeing the looks on people's faces! ;D

How are you doing today?
                     Married. :)

What did you do over Spring Break?
                     Oh, got married. ;)

How's life these days?
                     It's great, I'm married! :D

I did have to laugh out loud, one of my dear coworkers asked me:

"Are you getting back to normal now that the wedding is over?"

Normal? Whatever normal Was, it will never be the same now. Normal is entirely new and different, it has crossed over into an entirely surreal genre that I've never been a part of before. Normal? Pshaw.

I know not this "normal" of which you speak.

Besides, why would I want life to get back to what it was before? Life before was good, yes, but isn't the whole point of getting married because you want something different than what you had? Okay, not the WHOLE point, but ... well...

Getting married means that you are chasing something different than you were before. It means new priorities, new living arrangements, new focal point, new commitments, new ... so much new it's unreal!

Yes, some things stay the same. I am not an entirely different person--that too would have defeated the purpose of getting married. But... the normal of then will never be again.

And I'm delighted.

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