Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Do or Do Not. There is no Try."

~Master Yoda

So... this whole getting up at 8am... It has completely messed up my writing schedule. Sorry all, that's the most recent reason for the irregularity of posts! I like writing at night, I'm more creative then & fewer people are awake to place demands on my attention.

Or something like that.

But waking up at 8am? Uffda, my brain feels shot by midnight!! I'm so out of ... well, not exactly shape... out of practice I guess. I got used to being a night owl, now I'm trying to be a morning (okay, more morningish) person. I'm not sure I can do this!

I keep thinking of these great posts I should write, but I think of them while away from lappy/interwebs, then I get back to both in the evening before bed & all I want to do is go to bed. AAaAAAAah!! Am I turning into an old people? May it never be!!

Meh, enough whining. I just need to suck it up & get back into the habit of NOT sleeping so very much. :P Seriously, since when is 8 hours of sleep even necessary? Bah, suck it up, brain of mine, you're getting less sleep & you'll like it!!

Anyhoo, back to not yelling at self while typing...

The last post I found rather interesting to write & thought someone somewhere who's unlikely even to be reading this ever might enjoy an explanation of how that last post came into being... okay, actually, I just think it's kind of interesting & feel like writing about it. So there. :P

Monday was a bad day. Now, I'm fully aware that Monday's are generally associated with not much fun as it is, but this past Monday was really bad. I'm talking melt-downs, puffy eyes, hopes & dreams shattering & falling to bits on the floor bad day.

Of course, in retrospect, bad days are just days--they are mere flyspecks on the map of existence, even in one person's life.

That being said, it's hard to remember that in the midst of it, and being told such a thing is tantamount to asking for a beating. Pain, no matter the actual size, never feels small while it's being experienced.

I digress (is that possible on this blog? I need to come up with a different word for this...). So Monday was a bad day. To get away a bit & try to accomplish something constructive, albeit not as much as I had planned, I went to the library in search of the ever-elusive intersphere (thank you xkcd for a never-ending font of "internet" synonyms :) that I might do something.

**Brief sidenote** I feel at this point in our relationship, my dear readers, it would be helpful to inform you that when I grow tired, or when my brain becomes weary, my vocabulary tends to... expand. I use a lot of words, especially in writing, that I usually keep under wraps because if I use them in everyday conversation they do nothing so much as disrupt the normal flow of conversation. That being said, I'm looking at what I've just written & realizing that it sounds much more stilted than my usual writing... or maybe that's just me. I don't know if it's because this particular effect is taking place, or maybe I'm just past the point of safe writing. But I thought you deserved a fair warning. But back to the narrative!! **Sidenote Over**

So I found myself at the library, facing my blog (any ideas? I'm getting desperate for a different word...) & knowing that I should write something. But I couldn't write about what had happened that day, and I couldn't think of anything else happening in life that I should write about in that mental state. What else to write about?

A story, that's it! Write a story... about... ummmm... what?

But that part you read already... if you read this blog. Unless you just started reading this blog & aren't one of those people who go back & read in the archives. Or maybe you missed the last post, & haven't gone back & read it yet. Or maybe you just started reading, got confused, and decided to stop before you became as odd as I am... I'm babbling in type now, my apologies...

But yeah, so I started writing, thought that opening line sounded cool, then proceeded to try to scrabble together something resembling a story not too terribly implausible. I hope you enjoyed, I know it was a lot of fun to write. I won't be trying to edit it anytime ever, but the whole thing was very therapeutic and I would highly recommend it for any writer.

Yep. That's all I'm writing about for now, folks. I have another post in the works that's slightly more intellectual in content, but that will wait for tomorrow... Until then, don't blink when you're around stone statues, m'kay? ;)

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