Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Post-It Inspiration

I have a ... What do you call a cork-board with no cork in it? It's a thingummy on my wall, I can hold paper on it with little thumb-tacks... I have one of those at my office.

Some of the little papers I have tacked up there are business cards, notes to myself on procedures, phone numbers, and the like. But the vast majority of the papers on my board are quotes that I like looking at for a lift during the day.

I tend to get easily discouraged, worn out, bitter, and generally depressed about life. So a lot of the quotations I collect are to combat those tendencies

Some are from friends...
"It's not what they call you that matters, it's what you choose to answer to."

Some from movies...
"I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
~Alice in Wonderland

"My mistakes are my life."
~Samuel Beckett

Some are to inspire greatness...
"The only true measure of success is the ratio between what we might have been and what we have become."
~H.G. Wells

Or laughter...
"One of you is gonna fall and die, and I'm not cleaning it up!"
~Captain Malcolm Reynolds

And so much more. When I feel dry & dusty & uninspired, I look over my shoulder at these quotes, and they cause me to think of all who have gone before.
Will anyone look over their shoulder and think of me when they feel uninspired & uncreative, someday?
I want to become that kind of person.

**The title of this post was changed upon realizing that I am a very cliche person when it comes to titles, and had already used "Inspiration" before... whoops... Have I mentioned that I'm not good with titles?**

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