Friday, October 18, 2013

Song Lyrics

I heard some song lyrics in the car today--I have no idea what the song was (even the genre--I listen to the mixed station that plays everything from country to metal), or who the singer was. I couldn't even sing you the chorus, because I came in at the end of the song.

But what I heard, stuck. If you know who this is or what the song is, please tell me!

The lyrics I remember (it was a few hours ago, sorry!):

"You don't have to feel safe to feel unafraid."

There was also something about lions make you brave & giants give you faith (which is really cool too), but those words smacked me across the face & grabbed me in a hug that hasn't let go yet.

You don't have to feel safe
To feel unafraid.

Just think on that for a moment, let that one sink in.
Look at the difference:


The first is where we go to rest, to breathe, to let the world slip by while we recuperate from the battle & lick our wounds.

But the second--that's where we live.
It's where we sing, dance, laugh, and love--all from that deep place in the gut that life itself flows from.
It's where we wrestle with God, as Jacob did, and where we are blessed.
It's where we fight, and strive, and glory.

God did not call us to be safe.
But He did tell us not to fear.
To be bold.

Please don't misunderstand me--I think the Church should be one of the safest places in this world. It should be the safest place short of Heaven that any human soul finds. The Church should be a place of comfort, solace, joy, peace--a place where the wounded can come to have the love of Christ manifest in His people binding their wounds and salving their hearts.
I know that it's not.
That knowing drives me mad with sorrow, and it drives me to make myself into that safe haven for other people.

But I want to be a safe place. That doesn't mean I want safety for myself.
Love is not safe.
But it is good.
To love others is to be unafraid in stepping outside the safety that keeps us from hurt--to reach out to those that are hurting and expose myself to their pain.

So yeah, you don't have to be safe to be unafraid.
I like that song.

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