Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm Not Crazy, I'm Rehearsing

Ah! Who knew getting out of the house with enough time for writing could be so difficult?!

I'm so happy to have found a coffee shop again--is it odd to miss being in a coffee shop? There just seems to be a certain aura that can only be found in a place that specializes in coffee & tea that cannot be found anywhere else. Maybe it's the writer in me, I hear that writers tend to be drawn to these havens like moth to flame... Maybe that's why I've missed it. But I've found one now, so there's no need to miss anymore! Yay!

But enough about coffee shops (well, digression from thence at least).

The parents are back, life has returned to normal, I'm no longer in charge of cooking in the house. That's kind of a happyness, but kind of saddening too. I rather enjoyed the adventure of it all.

All the same, I'm glad to see the parents back.

This weekend is Bethel College's production of Cinderella! Whoohoo! I'm going to see it tomorrow! Huzzah! Wait, it's freezing outside, so I'm heading ... north?! What? Who's bright idea was that?!

Ah well, can't have it all.

This is crazy, I've been thinking so much lately, & wanting to write here a ton. But here I am AGAIN!! Mer. Fine. I would forget to bring my writer's book with me this one time. Ah well, hopefully a routine can develop soon such that I will not do this nonsense anymore.

Before I go, I will leave you with this, a poem I wrote a while ago:

How can I say
What I know not?
How can I play
If I know not the rules?
How might I dance
Not knowing the steps?
Must I take a chance
With my life in my hands?
With the flames dancing high
Whilst the thunder rolls loud,
I look to the sky
And sing!
Such stuff is of life
Not knowing but guessing,
Fighting through strife,
And leaping in faith.

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