Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mess with me. When I become a ghost I'll hide your keys; who will be laughing then?

Hehehe... I just like the sentiment behind this one... :) I also think it would be fun to make someone think they're going crazy by randomly relocating their keys when they're not looking... mwahaha!

Something I saw on a commercial today & have to comment on: NBC has these spots that they do that talk about safety, health, peaceful family relationships, etc. The spot I saw was on diabetes. Now please don't misunderstand me, I have a family history of blood sugar mishaps & problems, and desire to be fully aware of my own risks & responsibilities in this area, & would encourage others to do the same.

However, I have to take issue with something said on the spot I saw...

After stating the number of people in the USA who have diabetes, the spokesperson then made the claim that 1 out of every four people with diabetes don't even know they have it.

... Really? How do you know that?

I mean seriously, let's think about this for a moment here: How does one take a poll on something like that?

"Do you have diabetes: yes or no"

If you have diabetes and know about it, you say yes & fall into that ... however many it was the person said.

If you check no, then either you really don't have diabetes, or you do & just don't know it yet... But how do the pollsters know which one you are?

If THEY know you have diabetes, and know you DON'T know, wouldn't the responsible thing be to tell you about it? But then you're no longer one of the ones who have it but don't know. If they don't tell you, that's just mean, but you're one of the statistics.

If that's the case, those pollsters are truly terrible to just not tell people so they can tell you how many people have diabetes but don't know it... wait a minute, that doesn't even make sense...

Are they just guesstimating? But then wouldn't the responsible thing have been to say that "it is estimated that one in every four people with diabetes doesn't even know they have it", instead of stating such a thing as fact?

This really is something I'm having difficulty figuring out: where did those numbers come from?! Seriously, if you know of any way they could've got these stats, let me know--I'm curious! (And while curiosity may have killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back!) I'm still trying to puzzle it out...

Yep. That's what's on my mind at the moment...

Something else on my mind lately has been the study my pastor is leading on Wednesday nights. It's from a book called "UnChristian" (I'm still trying to get my hands on it to read, I hear it's at the library) & it's about how the rest of the world views the Christian religion--specifically how people between the ages of 16 & 29 see it.

Now, I know I'm no expert on how people outside the church see her. But I like to think I might know something about how people of my generation think--maybe moreso perhaps than the rest of the people in there, considering that they're all old enough to have people my age as their kids. I keep quiet in there mostly, everyone else has a lot to say & I like listening... :)

The topic of tonight was homosexuality.

According to the book, most people of my generation see the church as haters of gays & lesbians, & find the judgment received by these people at the hands of the church to be harsh & undeniably ... um... 'kay, I'm not sure what word I was going to use there, sorry... that one got away from me...

But you get the idea, yeah? A Christian is generally assumed to be a ... well, a gay-hater, and I can't really say that's an untrue assumption in lots of cases. Too many cases.

But it's odd, there were a couple of people at the study tonight that seemed in complete denial of that fact--how could they view us that way?! they said, in shock and dismay. All I could think was, really? A bunch of Southern Baptists, we have probably the worst reputation when it comes to being "haters" out of all the Protestant Christians, and not without reason. No, I don't think any of the people (okay, I don't think MOST of the people) in that room tonight would abuse a gay person verbally, physically, or even slightly. But... we're talking about reputations here, and we're affiliated with some pretty terrible people--whether we want to be or not. They've called themselves Christians--some of them are, I don't doubt it--and they've abused & hated the homosexual community. To sit back & wonder why someone would accuse me of the same if they know what church I go to is to wander around life with a set of blinders on, closing my eyes to the unpleasantness that is the legacy left by the church through the ages. To do such is nothing but a hindrance in working for the Kingdom. To be effective means to go through life with eyes wide open, seeing the truth & acknowledging the past failures for what they are.

How else can we grow & love?

Well, I hafta run. I have a properties list to email! :) Yay directing/managing! :) G'night all!

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