Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?

AAAh! So much has happened! How do I write about it all?!?

Yeah, fine, I hear you smart-alecks. "One word at a time!" Or maybe "what, you're actually writing about it now? That's new..."


Let's see, I'll start with a quick run-down... in the time since I wrote last:
I packed all my earthly possessions into move-ready containers (again).
I hit a deer with my car, simultaneously having my first real accident, earning my parents' trust in my fantastic driving instincts, and wrecking my car, leaving both myself & my mum carless.
I moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota to live with my Aunt Tammy & take care of her two girls while trying to break onto the theatre scene in that city.
I've been to audition for three shows, "Woyzceck", "Trojan Women", & "Macbeth".
I started going to an acting class working on getting in touch with my instincts by selecting an animal and acting it for a few weeks.
I got called back for "Macbeth" (that was last night).
I locked myself out of Tammy's house, and Cassy (my cousin) & I went on a 2 hour roadtrip to the campsite Tammy & the girls were spending the weekend at in order to retrieve the house-key.
The girls and I went on a picnic, I taught them how to play 21/woodchips, and we covered the driveway in chalk dragons.

I think that's all for now. The cast list for Macbeth will be posted on Wednesday!

Eat your artichokes!

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