Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I can never write a title until first I've written the post, it just doesn't work like that... :P

Today's the day! I'm so very excited, Boyfriend is coming up to visit me on the train! Woot! ;D So if I seem a bit distracted whilst writing this it's because... I am...

Speaking of, one moment please while I go find out where the train station is... that might be good to know before I actually try to go pick him up... brb.

Whew, there, that's remembered & done... Might've been kinda awful had I forgotten to do that part... Guess what, I'm less than 15 minutes away from the Amtrak station! That's kinda cool...

Today the pillow job was kind of wonderful but terrible all at the same time. Call volume was low & hang-ups were up, which made for a rather depressing sales rate. However, the seating was rearranged so I had more people sitting near me to be able to talk to between calls--I got to discuss the possibility of joining a D&D campaign already in the works... that could be fun... ;) I discovered about midway through the week that all the guys (and a couple of the gals) that I sit near are rather nerdy, so we've had some entertaining conversations since concerning d&d, Star Wars, star trek, Doctor Who, movies, etc. It makes the day interesting...

Le sigh... nothing exciting to write about is coming to mind, so this is when I start storytelling. Bear with me? It could get... interesting...

The people are called by others the Acroni, which means in the old tongue: "Upright Sphinxes." The Acroni had no spoken name for themselves, namely because they did not speak aloud. On their home World all the planet was utterly silent.

Yet the most amazing aspect of the Acroni was not their lack of a voice, but their inspiring eyes. In all other regards these people were utterly unremarkable, but when an Acroni bent their gaze upon any other being it was transfixing. It was as though the Sphinxes of old (who were blind, for their gaze contained all the questions in the Multiverse) walked again and mildly watched the Worlds dance by.

The Acroni were a mild and beautiful people. Having never Fallen, their home was seen as a safe-haven among all the embattled races. They were Healers, and their young ones often made pilgrimages into battle to bring their healing arts to those who needed them most--but they always returned home again when they could.

Whoops, and there's the time. Later all! Drink in the sunshine whilst ya can! 

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