Monday, November 15, 2010

Two Followers!! :)

Huzzah! There are two people officially "following" my blog now! :)

So here I am in Indiana, visiting my alma mater (it still feels weird calling Bethel that...) & all the people here. The occasion of the visit was the phenomenal show I saw last night. And it was truly amazing!

I love theatre, especially the kind done simply for the sake of improving one's own ability to create truly good art. And last night's production was amazing. The first act, a show called Second Chance, was directed by my friend Veronica (the first show performed as a part of the regular season having been directed by a student @ Bethel College!). It was a portrayal of two friends, ages 63 & 68, and their interactions of a particular evening. The actresses, mind you, were both 19. Every one did a grand job though, the acting was very believable, the director remained true to the story (I was very proud of her in that she tried to reign in her comedic tendencies & go instead for true-to-life), the design was simple, but effective. And the story left me thinking, and I will likely be chewing on the themes for some time to come! :)

The second act was Zoo Story, written by Edward Albee & directed by Derrick. Again, everything from the writing, the acting, the directing, to the designs and operating were done very well. I will be thinking about this one for a while as well. The whole story left me deep in thought & I was held in thrall for the whole show.
'Kay, sorry all, I didn't actually get to publish that before I left Indiana... I was a bit busy. ;)

But to continue, I confess, the show was really fantastic, but it was only part of the reason for going to visit Indiana. The people were really the main attraction! And it was so very wonderful, getting to see friends again. It was... more refreshing than I know how to say.

It was rather interesting to examine a couple of things about my friendships while there... Different people interact so differently sometimes, especially when there's deep affection present. I would die for any one of the people I saw while up there, but no two people are the same--nor is the way I show love to them. I suppose that my new-found "obsession" with this subject has kind of heightened my awareness of its manifestations around me. It was kind of funny, noticing such things.

Love is a poke in the arm,
It's a mischievous grin shot in your general direction, letting you know that something has been done,
It's taking your phone.
Love is a hug between friends that makes the rest of the room fade away,
And it's the rest of the room laughing at how funny and cute that hug is.
Love is a grandpa quietly slipping an envelope of money into your hand and not taking no for an answer,
It's dinner every Sunday afternoon without fail,
And a special bowl of potatoes, set aside.
Love is dinner paid for by friends
And an uneaten peanut-butter and jelly sandwich on the passenger seat.
Love is driving four hours to see a show,
and staying to see the director.
Love is talking over dinner,
And laughing over nothing, anything, and everything.
Love is a sympathetic arm around a shoulder,
A shoulder to cry to,
And a box of tissues, placed before it was known they'd be needed.
Love is a walk in the rain,
Not going anywhere,
But just glad for the person walking next to you.
Love is creeping in to bed at 4am
And finding a place to snuggle between two friends who are camping out on the floor with you.
Love is a dance,
And it's one with two index fingers pointed at the ceiling.
Love is scream,
And getting bowled over by a friend who's happy to see you.
Love is watching someone practice their first kiss,
And not laughing at them--but waiting to laugh with them,
And telling them about your own.
Love is a brother,
And when he hugs me I come up to his armpit.
Love is waving a hand in the face,
And punching in the arm.
Love is watching them walk away,
And smiling because I understand why they do,
And it's so very adorable.
Love is an apology
For an offense that had been forgotten already.
Love is a two-minute car ride,
Taken just to catch up on life in general,
And to be in each others company.
Love is chatting about nothing in particular,
But merely being glad to be in the same room while it's happening.
Love is a sympathetic ear,
A warm smile,
And a delighted laugh.
Love is going to church on less sleep than should have happened,
And staying awake the whole time.
Love is sitting on the back row,
Because of who else is sitting there,
And getting just a little distracted from the sermon.
Love is a look,
That says more than words could ever dream of expressing,
And speaks to a place far closer in the heart.
Love is beautiful.

So yeah, that was my trip. :)

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