Tuesday, November 9, 2010


At least, so says one of my stray socks... I really ought to put that away... hm...

It's been an interesting weekend. I can't really quite say why it's been interesting, but it has. I find myself filling with a kind of quiet desperation. Life cannot continue on the course it's been taking--something will snap if it does, and I don't really want to wait around to find out what that something is going to be.

In other news: I found a wi-fi hotspot in my room! Huzzah! There's no real telling how long it will remain accessible, & I can only access it by sitting in a certain chair in a certain way in a certain spot in the room, but that's a lot easier than running to the library. Especially since the library isn't open at this hour. And since my car is still out of commission.

Yeah, it was the bearing on the left front wheel. Those of you reading this that pray, please pray for my car!

Also, the yard sale is over & done with, & nobody died! Huzzah! Yes, there was actually some doubt that would be the outcome at a couple of tense moments before the end drew nigh, but fear not! All are alive & sound! Well, mostly... ;)

I read White Fang and The Call of the Wild today, and noticed something for the first time. Did you know that Jack London was very much influenced in his writing by Nietzsche? I didn't either, until reading them this last time. I finally made the connection after reading something else by London in a philosophy class about "Nietzsche & the Novelist", and only today made the connection between that book & the Jack London that wrote White Fang... I'm a little slow sometimes, I admit it. But still, it's an intriguing thought...

I find myself at a slight loss for words at the moment, but I'm trying to write something--anything. My Mum, in one of her well-meaning lectures, told me that discipline (especially in writing) was something I am very lacking in. Since that was one of the original purposes in creating this blog, I figured I should apply myself more, yeah?

'Course, now I run into the problem at hand: What do I write about when all that fills my mind is a dull buzzing noise?

Apparently I write about not being able to write & other rambling stories. Well, why not. At least I'm writing something. Perhaps with practice I'll be able to come up with something more... interesting. In the meantime, "dear readers", I'm sorry for the drivel you have to endure. Props to you!

Maybe I'll start posting some of those writing exercises I've read... hmm...

But not tonight. Sweet dreams, all!

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