Monday, October 4, 2010

What If...

So last night was the first time I wrote poetry in a good long while... Poetry is one of those things I never try to force, because when I do it ... well, it's real bad. But the Muses moved last night & I wrote for a couple of hours. I won't share everything with you, but here's one.

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child,
Sometimes I feel like a favored queen.
Sometimes my throat is choked with tears,
Sometimes my heart compels me to sing.
Sometimes I can’t take one more step,
Sometimes I laugh as I run.
Sometimes the weight is too much to bear,
Sometimes I lift for another their burden.
Sometimes I cannot see through the mist,
Sometimes the world is all too clear.
Sometimes my prayers bounce back from the ceiling,
Sometimes I know that my God can hear.
Sometimes it seems the silence is deafening,
Sometimes the music soothes my soul.
Sometimes the loneliness is shattering,
Sometimes I know I’m never alone.
Sometimes I cower with fear at my shadow,
Sometimes I’m courageous and fierce.
Sometimes I pretend and I put on a show,
Sometimes I’m genuine and sincere.
Sometimes the pain just doesn’t seem worth it,
But I remember the Love and I know that He is.

Once in a while I learn from mistakes,
Be they my own, or somebody else’s.
Once in a while I have what it takes:
The humility to admit I don’t have it.

So yeah... there it is. Take it for what you will.

Dreams are odd things, & this time I'm talking about the kind invented by the waking conscious, not the sleep-dreams. They seem so frail & whispy, sometimes they have hardly any substance at all. But when the time comes to put them away they can be so tenacious, hanging on to the imagination with a grasp that feels like strong jaws closing on the throat. What to do with them then?

Like I know. Ignore them, & hope they'll die from inattention? Does that every actually work? I'm not sure, it seems that common sense tries to starve the dream with one hand, but hope keeps feeding it with the other hile I'm not looking. 

Ah dreams, such bliss in agony divine. I suppose the best thing to do with them, as with everything else, is to give them to the One who really knows what He's doing.

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